Interpersonal Violence Resources

During or immediately after a violent incident, call 911. If the police don't come to you, go to the station and make a voluntary statement concerning the incident.
Get medical treatment (Urgent Care/hospital/doctor).
Collect/preserve evidence of the domestic violence:
Take photographs of property damage and of your physical injuries (soft tissue injuries, such as swelling and bruising, show up best 1-2 days after the incident).
Get signed statements from people who saw/heard the violence happen, saw your injuries or saw the damage to your property (witnesses).
Keep broken pieces of property, torn or bloody clothing and weapons used by the other party in this incident, to show the police and the prosecutor.
Get a Protection Order Against Domestic Violence from Family Court, located at 601 N. Pecos, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702) 455-3400.
Get a cell phone from a DV agency (free to victims); keep the cell phone and your protection order with you at all times.
Report violations of your Protection Order:
If your abuser violates your TPO, call 911. Get/make a police report of the violation.
Collect/preserve evidence of the violation (same as #2 above, and in addition)
Make tape recordings of telephone calls or threats (first tell him/her you are recording the conversation).
Copy all notes/letters and the envelopes they came in.
Videotape visits/drive-bys including the date/time it occurred (you can film newspapers, television programs or telephone caller ID to verify the date/time of the video).
Keep a record of all telephone calls, improper visits, missed child support payments or problems with visitation.
Get medical treatment for injuries and keep a copy of the medical records.
Enforce your Protection Order - Once the other party knows that there is a Protection Order against him/her, he/she may not violate the terms of that Order ​​​
Criminal enforcement. Violation of a protection order is a crime. Call the police and make a report - he/she may be criminally prosecuted.
Civil enforcement. File an Order to Show Cause in Family Court. You should have some evidence of the violation so that a judge can find the other party in contempt - just saying it happened is usually not enough.
Legal Resources:
Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada
725 E. Charleston Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Telephone: (702) 386.1070
North Las Vegas City Attorney’s Office
2332 Las Vegas Blvd. N. Suite
300 North Las Vegas, NV 89030
Telephone: (702) 633.2100
Las Vegas Office
530 South 6th St.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Telephone: (702)386.0404
Reno Office
204 Marsh St. Suite 101
Reno, NV 89509
Telephone: (775) 284.3491
Elko Office
285 10th St.
Elko, NV 89801
Telephone: (775) 753.5880
Yerington Office
720 S. Main St. Unit A
Yerington, NV 89447
Telephone: (775) 463.1222
Las Vegas City Attorney’s Office
495 S. Main St.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Telephone: (702) 229.6629
Henderson City Attorney’s Office
240 S. Water St.
Henderson, NV 89015
Telephone: (702) 267.120
1 E. First St. 3rd Floor
Reno, NV 89501
Telephone: (775) 334.2050
299 S. Arlington AveReno, NV 89509Telephone: (775) 329.2727
Volunteer Attorneys for Rural Nevada
904 N. Nevada St.Carson City, NV 89703
Telephone: (775) 883.8278
Email: info@varn.org